Apple's new iPhone 4s has reportedly sold over 4 million units three days after its launch but that record-breaking figure doesn't mean that everyone is enjoying Apple's latest smartphone. Although early reviews have been positive there have been several notable problems with the iPhone 4s. Here's a brief rundown on the top five iPhone 4s issues.

Problematic Siri. Users have posted complaints about the iPhone 4s virtual assistant, Siri. From completely not working to not having international support Siri has been the cause of numerous problems for iPhone 4s users. Siri sometimes "cannot connect to the network" and users will need to reset the phone to get it working again. Other users have suggested enabling data roaming to get the finicky virtual assistant, assisting again.

International users will have more problems with Siri. Siri can only respond to English, French and German questions. Users with heavy accents will also find the assistant frustrating to work with as its voice recognition feature will struggle to understand the accent. Roadway directions or local searches aren't available outside the United States. Siri is still in beta and Apple has promised to address the issues. International support for Siri will be released sometime in 2012, according to the Apple website.

Camera issues. The slow iPhone camera shutter that plagued other versions of the iPhone seems to have struck again on the iPhone 4s. The issue isn't with the camera which can take great photos but with shutter itself which some users report won't open after the camera function is launched.

Battery Performance. Apple has promised a better battery life for the iPhone 4s but that promise seems to fall short with real life testing. Compare to the iPhone 4, the battery life on the iPhone 4s is weaker under most testing. Users have complained about the weaker battery performance and Apple should look into a fix as soon as possible.

Screen Tint. Users have reported that the iPhone 4s screen has screen tint issues with the screen being more washed out than previous iPhone versions.

Slow Sprint Data. Sprint users have reported on slow data speeds on their new iPhone 4s which seems to be iPhone-specific. Sprint might have bitten off more than it can chew when users started flooding its network with all those iPhones.