The iPhone 5C of a U.S. student has caught on fire while inside her pants pocket. The 14-year-old girl from Middle School of the Kennebunks in Maine suffered second-degree burns on Friday after her mobile phone mysteriously combusted.

The Morning Sentinel reported that the eighth-grader, whose name was withheld by her mother, was sitting with her friends just before her first class of the morning was about to start. She then heard a pop from her Apple iPhone 5C, which was given by her mother two months earlier.

Principal Jeff Rodman told the paper, “Immediately, smoke starts billowing from around the student. She knew right away something was wrong and, in panic, knew her pants were on fire caused by the cellphone.”

She did the whole “stop, drop, and roll” exercise, which had reduced the flames and her injuries. Although the phone fell out of her pants pocket, it was still soldering, and her pants were still on fire. She took her pants off, prompting the girls in the class to help her into a corner of the room while others steered the boys from the room and called a teacher.

Teachers came to help, while someone in the main office called 911, the emergency number in the U.S.

The girl was taken to Southern Maine Health Care to treat the second-degree burns she suffered. She was released in less than an hour.

“I was a little bit in shock,” her mother, Judy Milligan, said, adding that her daughter wanted to return to class after the incident, but school officials and health care workers encouraged her to go home instead.

The state Fire Marshal’s Office had taken pictures of the damaged phone. It is still not known what had caused its sudden combustion.

Apple headquarters failed to return the paper’s request for comment by press time.

Check this out: the #iphone that caught fire in a #Kennebunk middle schooler's pants (Ctsy: Kbunk FD)

— A. Elias (@ProducerElias) January 31, 2014

Exploding iPhones isn’t a new thing, but it’s the first known incident involving the Apple’s iPhone 5C.

The iPhone of a writer at the Czech Web site Letem Svetem Applem didn’t explode, but his battery almost did.

As reported by TUAW, the battery of the writer’s iPhone 3GS ballooned to more than double of its size, prompting the seams of the phone to burst open.

Another iPhone 3GS user named Tim Beljavskis told the same Web site that the same thing happened to his phone battery.