Oktoberfest is one of the much-awaited events in Australia. The event will be held at Brisbane on October 7 to 9 and October 14 to 16. Expect entertainment and drinking spree.

However, before you embark on a drinking spree, download some of the top drinking apps to your iPhone to fully enjoy the event. Here are some of the apps you will find useful during Oktoberfest.

BeerCounter - Keep track of your beer consumption with this free app. Add one on the roster everytime you consume a drink. BeerCounter is quite useful, especially to people who will be behind the wheel after the party.

DrinkTimer - Use DrinkTimer when you start drinking and be able to tell if you are drunk or not the next morning.

Bar Hopper - If you find BeerCounter and DrinkTimer amusing, get the services offered by the two apps with Bar Hopper. It will also estimate the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. Also, it comes with "Call A Taxi" button if you are already drunk.

DrinkBuddy - It is nice to keep track of your drinking, but keeping tabs on your friends is also fun. DrinkBuddy is also preloaded with drinks, which you can simply click and you can determine if you are just tipsy or already drunk.

Be the life of the party by not being wasted from having too much drink. Keep track of your alcohol consumption, especially on the upcoming Oktoberfest. And remember to drink moderately.