Hollywood actor Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart) thinks that technology is developing too fast and ethics has yet to keep pace with its progress. He says that TRON: Legacy, the latest offering from Disney, focuses on the failure of man to develop ethics along with the progress of technology.

At the front of technology today, the most exciting development is the creation of the anti-matter at CERN, which has since raised concerns over the hazard it may pose. Anti-matter has the capability to instantly obliterate "matters" that come in contact with it. It has been the subject of best-selling thriller Angels & Demons by Dan Brown.

"One of the elements of the story is... technology. It's so exciting to come to realize all the things that you can do. And what's happening with technology is that it is developing so fast that we haven't really developed any ethics to come with it, or knowlegde of what some of the ramifications of this technology will be," says Bridges, who had won an Best Actor nod from the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.

TRON: Legacy is the story of a brilliant videogame designer Kevin Flynn, who designed a sophisticated program CLU 2.0, in order to possess the best of both digital and real life. But Flynn was trapped in his own creation, the GRID. The new movie, Legacy, chronicles the adventure of Kevin as he tries to escape in order to reunite with his son and finally return home.

TRON: Legacy will hit theatres on December 17th in IMAX 3D, Digitial 3D and regular format. The new movie will be distributed world-wide by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.