Kim Kardashian is fuming mad at U.S. TV journalist Katie Couric and she’s taking it to Instagram to shame her. The reality star posted a picture of Katie’s gift for her and Kanye West’s daughter North West, but the new mum wasn’t buying the news presenter’s apparently fake Hollywood gesture.

On Friday, Kim posted a photo of Katie’s baby gift, which appeared to be clothes and blanket from the luxury store Barney’s New York, along with a gift tag that reads:

“Dear Kim and Kanye, Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! As the moth... And may I humbly suggest you continue the K tradition for na... Fondly, Katie Couric”

The message appeared to be cut off with a few words missing. According to TMZ, it was a printing error, and the message was delivered as such.

It seemed like a sweet gesture, but Kim didn’t see it that way. Instead of the usual “thank-you,” Kim called Katie out on her alleged fakeness.

“IHateFakeMediaFriends #MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkSh*t,” Kim added the hashtags.

If you’re wondering what’s Kim’s beef with Katie is, it’s apparently due to the latter’s interview with In Touch magazine the day before, in which she said of the Kardashian clan, “I don’t understand – why are they so famous? I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested.”

Kim seemed to take offence in Katie’s words, so she deemed the gift a fake gesture.

However, Katie insisted that she was being genuine, and that her comment was taken out of context.

“I’ve met Kim before and I think she’s a really sweet person. I was responding to a reporter’s question, and explaining how I’m intrigued by the public’s fascination with her family,” she was quoted by TMZ as saying.

“I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.”

She added of the gift, “The gift is genuine, and I’m happy for Kim and Kanye.”

Kim gave birth to daughter North on June 15 in Los Angeles.

Kim and North’s first pictures since the baby’s birth (from TMZ):

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