“Big Brother Australia” housemate Mikkayla is the luckiest housemate in the history of the show. After being saved from the first eviction nomination, the school teacher has once again escaped from the Halfway house, courtesy of great luck in playing Pass the Parcel.

The housemates already knew that there would be a nomination swap on Thursday night so they were apprehensive to play the Pass the Parcel game ordered by Big Brother. Xavier volunteered to control the music while having his back turned on the group. During the last rotation, he accidentally dropped the control, which promptly stopped the music while the parcel was in Mikkayla’s hands.

Her prize was to choose a housemate from the Safe house to swap with one from the Halfway house. She chose to save herself and have Matthew to take her place (they were tied in nomination votes initially).

Matthew quickly told Mikkayla not to feel bad because it was just a game, and he seemed accepting of his fate. He later told Caleb that Mikkayla annoys him with her bossiness and that she didn’t seem to be sorry that she swapped their places, and Caleb agreed.

Caleb took it harder than Matt, though. He assured Mikkayla that he wasn’t blaming her, but he still couldn’t help but feel a little upset that his best bud in the house may be going home on the next eviction night.

“I’d rather it have been me,” he cried on Heidi’s shoulder.

Tully led the rant against Mikkayla with Xavier and Tahan, telling them that Mikkayla was always “asleep” and “sulking.” Even though she was the one who told the group before they played the game not to feel bad whatever happens, Tully was also the one seething mad the most. Matt is her best friend and it’s no secret that she doesn’t like Mikkayla so it simply didn’t make sense to her why the two housemates are in the wrong side of the divide.

Later on she formed alliance with Matt and Tahan, telling them that they can rely on one another.

Mikkayla also formed an alliance with Rohan. She admitted that she didn’t need to buddy up with anyone from the house and she would just enjoy her stay. She also told Rohan to be her eyes on the Halfway house since she doesn’t trust the others.

The other housemates in the Safe house were more understanding. Jade and Drew, during an impromptu massage session on the bed, actually felt sorry for Mikkayla. They both agreed that she didn’t annoy them as much as the other housemates feel, but they knew that it would be hard for her this week.

Jasmin and Tim admitted that they were secretly glad that the parcel stopped at Mikkayla. And if Jasmin had the parcel, she said she would have swapped Tim for Tully. Tim pointed out to Jasmin that Tully is a leech that only uses Jasmin.

“She keeps saying that she’s only being herself. And if that’s being her, I don’t like her. She’s a mean girl,” Tim added.

Earlier, before the mayhem that is the nomination swap, the housemates were told a special Hollywood star is coming and that they should all dress up for the red carpet welcome. While the housemates tried on suits and dresses and speculated who’s the A-lister who would be joining them, Mikkayla burst out in tears in the Halfway bedroom when she couldn’t find a dress off the rack that fit her.

Ben, who previously claimed he didn’t have the skill to console people, was actually a pretty good consoler. He cheered up Mikkayla, telling her not to compete with the skinny girls of the house and run her own race. He managed to pull a smile from her face when he showed her his own less than impressive physique.

The girls were also very supporting to Mikkayla. Tahan was adamant in telling Mikkayla that she’s beautiful, while Jasmin lent the English teacher her own dress to wear. Jade was also there to help the distraught housemate prep up.

The A-lister was Mr Clooney. Not George Clooney the Hollywood actor, but Mr Clooney the housemates’ new dog. The arrival of their VIP delighted the whole house, with Mikkayla volunteering to be his primary caretaker.

And oh, it’s Double Eviction on Monday. The housemates don’t know it yet, but there are two of them going home on eviction night.

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