Kirsten Dunst reveals she cannot watch ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians,’ laughs off Hollywood pressure

Hollywood actress Kirsten Dunst thinks the world expects too much from her and other actors. She said things can get a bit unfair for them because people expect them to be good public speakers. They are also expected to withstand all the criticisms thrown at them.
In an interview for the September issue of Town and Country , the 27-year-old actress shared that people’s expectations from actors are “ridiculous.” "It's unfair that an artist is expected to speak really well in public and have skin tough enough to withstand sometimes really hurtful criticism, but also, in order to do the job, be really sensitive and in touch with their feelings,” she said. The only recourse actors can really have, in face of such demands and expectations, is to be themselves.
She said she keeps sane by watching a lot of TV and being with friends. She added that cannot do the popular reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”
In the same interview, Dunst, who is starring in “Fargo” Season 2, talked about doing TV instead of movies. She finds the two media incomparable, adding that shooting for TV is “a lot harder.” She is currently the lead of “Woodshock,” a show which made it necessary for her to lose 10 pounds and stop eating at Petit Trois. She recently finished shooting for Fx’s “Fargo” Season 2. She explained that even though shooting for TV is great for her, it was also very tiring.
Dunst is not an actress who would let what others think about her affect her. When her risque pictures were leaked online along with that of other A-list actresses, such as Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, she just laughed the whole thing off. She told E Online that she was using humour to get through the ordeal and letting the FBI handle the whole fiasco.
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