Know More About Apple iOS 7: Top Hidden Features for iPhone and iPad [Part II]
Apple has just released its latest iOS7 operating system. Although there are mixed reviews about this new OS, it is interesting to identify some of its best features. Apple's new system upgrading has initially been designed to provide convenience to the users. Below is part two of the list of iOS 7's best hidden features of iPhone and iPad.
Bubble Level For the Phone
This strange feature is called the Compass app. Users can swipe to the second page of the application to find the bubble level interface. This page lets the user find out if the surface is level or not. Likewise, people can also figure out that it provides a conclusion to the 1001 spirit level options found in the store.
Home Screen Zero
Users often group their apps into a folder. The iOS 7 removes the limit on the number of apps can put in each folder. This means, users can group as many problems as they want in one place. For those who are very particular on arranging their apps then this should be a good idea. A person can maintain their home screen pages to a certain amount of apps or widgets.
Spotlight search was previously on the far left of the screen. This time, users can now find the Spotlight search anywhere or from any page. All they need to do is to swipe downwards. So long as the person is quick typer then they will have an easier time finding contacts, launching apps and searching email. The Spotlight search offers more convenience than ever before.
One downside though is that users can no longer search Wikipedia or the web using Spotlight. Apple took away that feature. Instead, people will need to go to Safari or use Siri.
App Control
The new iOS 7 allows periodical data download in the background. This makes sure apps are updated whenever the user needs them. It is a really good feature though not as data-friendly. Fortunately, Apple has also added the granular Background App Refresh menu that allows users to turn off their background data depending on the app.