It’s good news for Lindsay Lohan today : for the first time since her first appearance at the LA Superior Court on February 9 over a stolen necklace, the actress has received good news today on an unrelated yet another legal case.


"The different courtroom faces of Lindsay Lohan"

Ann Oldenburg of USA TODAY said that while her jewelry case is sure moving forward to trial, Lindsay’s case involving an employee from the Betty Ford center is ‘not going anywhere’.

The Riverside Country prosecutors decided not to pursue the case and refused to file battery charges against the Mean Girls star who was reported to have assaulted a technician at the Palm Desert center last year.

Citing the report from Los Angeles Times, USA Today noted that the said Betty Ford employee had himself informed the court of his refusal to pursue the charges against Lindsay.

Though the local police had enough evidence to indict the actress, the hands of the prosecutors are tied said USA Today, and they have no choice but dismiss the case against Lindsay.

Meanwhile, the actress, who recently announced intention to drop her Father’s last name, is expected to stand trial over the stolen necklace.

The actress and her legal team are expected to contest allegations that she walked away from Kamofie & Co. jewelry store wearing the $2,500-worth of necklace without handing in the payment to the store clerk, who opened the door, smiling, when she left with jewelry store.

Watch VIDEO:

"Part of surveillance video with Lindsay Lohan inside the Venice jewelry store"

The actress is facing 3-years imprisonment when convicted with felony grand theft over the jewelry case. She is also facing violation of probation over her 2006 arrest while driving under the influence.

Trial over the stolen necklace is set on April 22.

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"Lindsay Lohan urges dad, Michael to stop"
"Lindsay Lohan turns down judge’s plea offer over theft case"
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