Jordan Henderson has apparently found the way to the heart of Liverpool FC boss Brendan Rodgers as shown by his consistent 90-minute appearances since day one of the English Premier League but believes that keeping his thoughts away from football could also prove beneficial.

"The atmosphere here is incredible. The fans have been a big part of the season. Everybody in Liverpool cares passionately about football," Henderson told

"We're the same but there are times when I just need to go home, be with my family, just relax."

"It's quite hard at times to take my mind off football but it's very important. "

"I'll watch something on television, anything, whatever the missus wants to watch. We haven't watched much recently because we've just had a little girl, our first."

Under the guidance of his teammates, Henderson has improved his game massively.

"I watch Stevie. He's a massive idol for a lot of people and certainly me," he revealed.

"I look at what he does very well and try to put that into my game. He talks to me all the time, want me to improve, helps me."

"I also learn from Lucas: defensively he's very good on the transition, getting the ball back quick. I also try to learn from Joe Allen, another central midfielder very good at making angles to get on the ball and go and play forward.''

"Luis is always talking to me, helping me in training. If I want to play a one-two, Luis is that good I know his movement, where he'll be."

Henderson also praised England striker Daniel Sturridge for stepping his game up when Suarez was still serving suspension.

"When Luis was out Daniel was phenomenal. He led the line brilliantly, dropping off, going in behind, scoring goals," he recalled.

"When Luis came back in, there might have been questions over whether they can work together. They've proved to everyone they can definitely can. It's natural."