It appears that Microsoft is planning a foray into the social networking scene with a new project called "Tulalip". The experimental project was revealed after spotted a teaser on, a domain owned by Microsoft.

Tulalip currently only has a welcome message that explains itself with:

With Tulalip you can Find what you need and Share what you know easier than ever.

The page has non-working links that say "See how it works" along with "terms of service" and "Privacy Statement" links. There are also Facebook and Twitter sign-in buttons. There is also a non-functioning search box at the top of the page.

Microsoft has since taken down the page. The only message on reads: "Thanks for stopping by. is an internal design project from a team in Microsoft Research which was mistakenly published to the web. We didn't mean to, honest."

Curioser and curioser. Ever since Google launched its social networking site, Google+ the social networking wars have become even more interesting. Google believes social networking is the next step in the developing internet and Microsoft seems to believe the same way given that it already has a deep working relationship with FaceBook. Microsoft is already invested in FaceBook and has plans to acquire Skype which powers FaceBook's new video chat.

Tulalip seems to involve Facebook and Twitter so it isn't a completely new social network for Windows. The Twitter authorization screen can also post Tweets and allow users to read timelines.

Whatever Tulalip is it won't be Microsoft's only product in the social network business and that's a guarantee.