New iPhone 5S 'Champagne' Variant Could Appeal to Business Executives [Watch Video]
A new video has emerged on YouTube with the author claiming to have exclusive footage of the iPhone 5S. The video showcases a gold or champagne coloured iPhone 5S, alongside a white 5S and blue iPhone 5C. Both the 5S and 5C are expected to be launched at an Apple event on Sept 10. The Champagne variant could be very appealing to the business executives.
The gold/champagne coloured iPhone does not look too gaudy or tacky but instead the light colour gives a more sophisticated and elegant look. According to some people the sober colour could also appeal to the office executives. The business class and the office executives have traditionally opted for either a black or white coloured phone. The champagne colour could add another colour to choose from.
The phone is rumoured to come with an A7 processor and a 13 MP camera. The phone is said to work on iOS7 operating system. The exact hardware and specs will only be revealed on the big Apple event.
The phone is rumoured to carry some exciting features according to some analysts. The much talked about finger print scanner is expected to be on the phone as this will be the new flagship smartphone of the company. The finger print scanner is said to provide tremendous amount of security to the owner against loss or theft of the device. The other exciting rumoured feature is the eyeball tracking features.
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The exact function of the eye ball tracking feature is still unknown but some analysts believe it could be similar to the "smart scroll" feature in the Samsung Galaxy S4. The eye ball tracking should help advertisers. Most advertisers suffer because of a phenomenon called "banner blindness" where the user tends to ignore all information on a advertisement banner.
Technologies like eye ball tracker can give the advertisers a better insight of the market response and also help their return on investment. Banner advertisements on mobile devices are gaining in importance due to the popularity of the hand held devices.