New trailer for 'World of Final Fantasy' shown in Tokyo Game Show

During the recent Tokyo Game Show, or TGS, publisher Square Enix unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming “World of Final Fantasy” game for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. The trailer features some of the classic “Final Fantasy” characters that players can recruit into their party, along with some sequences where the lead characters are turned into chibi versions of themselves.
From what can be seen in the trailer, it’s clear that “World of Final Fantasy” will have a much lighter tone compared with other games in the series. The plot centres on lost “Mirages,” which are mystical creatures that haven’t been properly explained yet, instead of the world ending or corrupt political leaders.
The setting is also more whimsical and fantasy-oriented as compared with the bleak steam punk style locations of the more recent games in the series. The last time a “Final Fantasy” series had a proper fantasy setting was “Final Fantasy IX” for the original PlayStation.
It’s clear from the graphical style to the lighter tone that the game is aimed towards children. In fact, Destructoid has compared the game’s visual style to a Pixar film. The transformation to chibis is very cute, to the point that no child may be able to resist the charm of the title.
While the game is aimed at a younger demographic, there are some familiar faces that might get older gamers interested in the title. The trailer shows chibi versions of Lightning from “Final Fantasy 13” and The Warrior of Light from the very first “Final Fantasy” game. Cloud Strife from “Final Fantasy 7” will also be appearing in chibi form, and other characters from the series are slated to make appearances as well.
The game's battles use a classic turn-based combat system, with new features like turning into chibi form and riding monsters for some interesting double team attacks. According to Gematsu, players will be able to capture familiar monsters from “Final Fantasy” and recruit them into their party like in “Pokemon.” Some of these monsters include Cactuars, Behemoths and the ever-popular Chocobo.
“World of Final Fantasy” is slated for an unspecified 2016 release date. Unlike “Final Fantasy XV,” however, this will be exclusive to Sony platforms; so far, there seems to be no plans for the game to come to be available for the Xbox One.
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World of Final Fantasy - TGS 2015 Trailer | PS4, PS Vita (Credit: YouTube/PlayStation)