The New Xbox One Experience is slated to bring a lot of new features to Microsoft’s next-gen console, enough to change and enhance the gameplay experience. However, there is one feature that will be making its exit once the system update arrives.

Kinect gestures will be making an exit once the New Xbox One Experience hits. In an exclusive with Windows Central, Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra revealed that the gestures was not as used as other features in the Xbox One.

“We wanted to prioritize features that customers were asking for, plus areas of improvement from the existing Xbox One Ui,” said Ybarra to Windows Central.

This does not mean that the Kinect gestures will no longer have a chance to get back in the UI. Ybarra had assured fans that they will be monitoring feedback from the community, and if there is enough demand for the product, it is not unlike for it to appear in the NXOE. Considering how some of the features now in the Xbox One came from fan feedback, this is a good assurance.

Ybarra also shared some insights on Microsoft’s plans on an overall single store for the Windows 8 and Xbox One. While Ybarra did not directly address how the concept of the Windows Store and its apps will make a presence in Xbox One, the goal of the company is to provide users with the freedom to choose the apps they want for their own use.

One main vision that the company still strives for is to see the Universal Windows Platform being used to create a single app that can run across Windows 10 devices. The details are still in the works on just how it will be possible in areas like TV, but overall, it’s about giving people control on the content they want, where they want it.

For Xbox One users who have been part of the preview program, there’s a little something that Microsoft is brewing as thanks. Preview programs are users who participate in trying out the beta, and sometimes buggy, updates before these are rolled out to general Xbox One users.

Feedback for improvement and sighting of bugs to be fixed before the final version usually come from preview members. And to thank them for their efforts, Ybarra has also announced that there will be some form of reward, VG 24/7 reported. However, there are no specifics for this as of now, but it is a nice move on Microsoft’s part to acknowledge the fans who have been helping out tediously to improve the Xbox One experience.

The Guide on the New Xbox One Experience (Credit: YouTube/Xbox)

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