Nokia's Twitter message that mentioned Justin Bieber has sparked up rumors that the Canadian superstar will be at the July 11 unveiling event of the Nokia Lumia 1020 EOS in New York City. Even though it sounds a great idea for Nokia to have a celebrity as an endorser, the message does not really confirm that the company has already signed up the young music artist.

Photo credit: Twitpic/@_EmilyOfficial

The message that Nokia posted using Twitter account @nokia reads: "#41MillionStrong trending. Lots of #Beliebers zooming into our webcast on July 11th?" The post appears as an innocent but clever publicity scheme of the Finnish smart phone manufacturer for the upcoming Lumia device.

Nokia Lumia EOS features a 41MP camera while Justin Bieber currently has 41 million followers on Twitter. It became a simple connection that led Nokia to come up with the trend #41MillionStrong.

However, it is an undeniable truth that Nokia will have a motivated triumph if Justin Bieber becomes the endorser of the Nokia Lumia EOS. The 19-year-old prince of pop has millions of fans called "Beliebers" which can be easily convinced to purchase the new Nokia Lumia Windows Phone if their music idol shows off having one.

Before the official Nokia Lumia EOS unveiling, the Finnish company has already filed for the trademark on the Nokia Zoom branding which was published on the web site "My Nokia Blog." The leaked invitation images to the July 11 event had indicated about the smart phone's "Zoom" capabilities to spread out Nokia's venture in the camera phone division with the remarkable PureView technology.

The Windows Phone 8 device has a larger sensor compared to the point-and-shoot cameras. It will allow the users to capture superior image quality in low-lighting conditions and have more control on the camera phone particularly in mobility.

Additionally, Nokia Lumia EOS will offer more enhanced camera applications that would catch the attention of the consumers. The upcoming device will reportedly arrive on the AT&T network but the US carrier has not given any statement yet to confirm or deny the claims.