The boys of the renowned British boy band, One Direction, appear to not be as innocent as they seem to be. Well, one member of the band apparently got caught up in a cheating scandal caught by his own fan. Who would this member be? Well, here's a hint, the One Direction cutie deleted his Twitter account earlier.

There have been countless rumors about Zayn Malik hitting on countless females. One would be about the One Direction singer hitting on one of their dancers. Well, "Directioners" better brace themselves because there's another rumor down the mill and this time it has been caught on tape.

A fan staying at the same hotel as Zayn caught a video footage of the boy band member asking a girl come into his room. Despite the creepy way of the fan taking the video through the peep hole, fact is that Zayn was caught red handed.

The video shows Zayn, the bodyguard and a blond girl. Zayn appears to be trying to bring the girl inside his room but his bodyguard successfully cock-blocked Zayn. Yet, Zayn despite his futile efforts still tries to convince the girl to come inside. If fans turn up the volume on the video, they would hear Zayn screaming to the girl saying, "Listen, wait about half an hour and come to my room. These old.. go to sleep in half an hour. I wanna know how old you are."

Zayn's move of hitting on the girl could be dubbed as typical boy behavior. However, this could be easily forgiven if for the fact Zayn was single. Yet, One Direction fans know that Zayn is currently in a relationship with Perrie. Right after the video went viral, Zayn sent out two tweets on his Twitter account before deleting it. This in itself is one big red sign pointing to guilty.

"The reason i don't tweet as much as i use to, is because I'm sick of all the useless opinions and hate that I get daily goodbye twitter," says the first tweet sent out by the 19-year old singer. This was followed by, "Fans that have something to say can tweet me on the one direction account."

The big question now is the video for real and did Zayn really plan on cheating on Perrie? Take a look at the video below.