'Outlander' star Sam Heughan discusses his failed attempt at dating

Sam Heughan was not the charming Jamie from “Outlander” when he was younger. In a recent interview he discussed his failed attempt to date a girl when he was a teenager. The actor discussed a wide range of issues that included his belief that ghosts do exist.
In the TV series, Jamie (Sam Heughan) was engaged in many daring rescues and romantic adventures. In an interview with Elle Canada, the actor was asked if he had any swashbuckling incidents of his own in real life. He said that although he is not always as successful as his character he certainly does put in all his efforts.
Heughan recalled an incident of his teenage years. On Valentine’s Day he went to the house of the girl he was interested in. He took with him some wine, glasses and flowers and put them outside the house. He waited for the door to open, but that never happened. The next day he got a call asking him not to “stalk” the girl. Apparently, having someone leave wine and flowers outside the door was a scary experience for the girl.
The actor was also asked if he thought there is any similarity between him and his character in “Outlander” TV series, especially when it comes to masculinity. Heughan explained that Jamie is a man of his time, but at the same time forward thinking. The actor conceded that his character is more masculine than him, but pointed out that he is a man of this time period and that’s the difference.
Heughan talked about playing with swords as a kid and his love for history, especially stories about King Arthur. The actor also said that he believes in ghosts and revealed how a manual metronome started to tick tock on its own one night, after the death of his grandfather. The actor did not talk about “Outlander” Season 3, which he is currently filming in Scotland.