Now, shopping and paying for your purchases could be as easy as a button click on your mobile devices and gadgets.

Electronic payment whiz PayPal recently announced it is working on a technology that will allow mobile devices to scan product codes and then support payments from a mobile account. It will also allow users to send and receive money using their smartphones, as well as check product inventory and make reservations at stores where available, and pay for items without falling in line to the cash register.

"The act of paying for something should be as seamless as your decision to buy it. The future is about creating real consumer choice, flexibility and control over how people shop and pay. And with PayPal, the future of money is already happening," PayPal President Scott Thompson wrote in a blog post.

PayPal's new payment technology essentially simplifies online and offline shopping without having to use a credit card, and any other forms of NFC (near field communication).

NFCs allow for simplified transactions, data exchange, and wireless connections between two devices, but they have to be in close proximity to each other, usually by no more than a few centimeters.

PayPal's technology, however, works to transcend even geographical borders. So no matter if your size is not available in your location, with PayPal, you can have your size inventory checked in another state. And when you see one, you can instantly pay for it via PayPal without needing to go to the actual store location where you just electronically purchased it miles away from where you are.

"There's a 'new normal' in retail. Shopping is 24×7 and it happens everywhere - not just in a store or website. The intersection of smartphones, social media, online and offline shopping has put the consumer squarely in control," Thompson said.

PayPal will be one of the participants at the X.commerce Innovate Conference October 12-13 in San Francisco. The payment innovator is inviting users to test and experience for themselves its new retail payment system.