With Pokemon X and Y having enjoyed the limelight for a while, there have been a lot of fan projects, creations, and even software to help the community get further in the game.

Granted, there are some that have taken this one step towards more malicious grounds, such as potential Pokemon X and Y cheating in competitive gaming. But on the whole, there are a number of infographics and guides, both creative and informative alike which have been circulating around the Internet.

Here are some of the nice infographics that you may find helpful or even just fun to look at.

*Two new helpful tools that you can use for Pokemon X and Y: Read about the FullSafari.com and Egg Navigator guide here.

Pokemon Hatching

One of the more recent creations from Pokemon Redditors is the Pokemon Hatching infographic posted by tacocatistacocat.

As you can see on this Imgur page, it features statistics and numbers which are informative and fun to know if you're just starting out-or if you want to cross-check for reference.

For instance, for Pokemon X and Y, almost half of the number of Pokemons are hatchable. To be exact, of the 721 pokemons, you can hatch 321 of them.

*News for Battlefield 4 gamers: Here are some issues to expect with the China Rising DLC, as well as DICE's plans for the game.

Around 63% of the pokemons in Pokemon X and Y usually hatch in 5355 steps, even starter Pokemons, with the Magikarp being the exception, as it hatches in around 1080 steps.

Talking about legendary pokemons, Manaphy and Phione are said to be the only ones hatchable.

Some random fun facts are also included, such as the distance that it would take for a girl or a boy to walk in order to hatch an egg and even the step size of an average male or female player. Check out the rest of the facts in the link above.

*Worried over PS4 stocks before Christmas? Sony UK has promised replenishments: Read the full story here.

Nintendo sales

Saying that Pokemon X and Y was a huge success in terms of reception and sales for Nintendo is quite an understatement, considering that it's a game that reached the million mark in 1 day, putting the previously record holder Mario Kart 7 that reached million sales in four weeks.

It's no surprise that Nintendo has created its own infographics detailing the success of Pokemon X and Y in real, concrete numbers, and Nintendo Life features the infographics, as seen here.

*Those who have a PlayStation Network account, you may want to take another look at your password and account: Read here for more.

Some of the facts show the jump in sales for the Nintendo 3DS, as well as the Million Unit Club Pokemon, which hold the different Pokemon games that have reached the one million mark on their first month of sales.

Another interesting point is that one in five Nintendo 3DS owners have bought one copy of Pokemon X and Y. Check out more information about Nintendo's best game so far in the franchise.

*Do you share these Xbox One woes with fellow players? Check out some of the problems that most players want fixed on the console.

What you need for Shiny Hunting

Shiny hunters for Pokemon X and Y who want to go with the traditional method (and by this, it means not going with the Automatic Shiny Finder or the Shiny Finder community for matching EVs), this Guide for Shiny Pokemon Hunting may prove very useful.

Kotaku features a full-length infographic detailing not just the materials that you need, but also the necessary steps to use, the kind of grass patches to look for, the rules that you need to observe, and even the do's and don'ts.

This Shiny Hunting guide for Pokemon X and Y would be effective for those who are not used to this method of hunting for Shiny Pokemons, and who would want the bragging rights of actually toiling using this method.

*Get YouTube for your PS4 until a native app becomes available with this easy step: Read here for the details.

The Eevee evolution

There's also an Eevee evolution, which showcases the eight evolutions that it can take form in, depending on the type. Gametac features the infographic here.

You can see the drawings of Jolteon for Electric, Vaporeon for Water, Espeon for Psychic, Glaceon for Ice, Flareon for Fire, Umbreon for Dark, and Leafeon for Grass. Sylveon was also depicted, though it has not yet been specified for Fairy type.