Prince Harry has told in an interview with BBC that he is already working on his speech for the Royal Wedding and revealed that he has plans to quite ‘embarrass’ his big brother on his big day.

Describing his speech to be ‘pretty standard’ the younger Prince said it will be ‘just the same as any other best-man speech’.

Except for one thing, Prince Harry warned his brother.

"It's me and a couple of his friends, so between the three of us, we'll make sure that we dig him in the ribs a few times and embarrass him," Prince Harry was quoted as telling BBC by

The celebrity website noted that though Prince Harry did not name his two ‘cohorts’ to give the wedding speech, he reiterated his promise saying: “Make him lose some hair”.

Speculations have been raised in media reports that two of Prince William’s friends, Thomas van Straunbenzee and James Meade, are likely to be the two other best men to give the speech.

Prince Harry expressed his excitement for the big day while he was being interviewed by BBC while on a Walking with the Wounded expedition at the Arctic Circle.

"It'll be a mad rush, like everything is, you know?" Prince Harry told BBC, according to "I'm looking forward to getting back and putting on a uniform and strolling down the aisle with him."

The younger Prince who threw a bachelor party for his brother last weekend has also described Prince William’s wedding as ‘a little daunting’.

Read IBTimes Full Report:
“Prince Harry throws bachelor party for brother Prince William”

"It is quite a big affair," Harry said, according to "I think if [William] had his way, he would love to have a small wedding with just his really close friends. But, you know, we are who we are, and the position comes with it, and the role comes with it."

Prince Harry noted however that the way things go at Westminster Abbey before the big day ‘comes with the territory’.

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"Princess Diana’s never-seen spare wedding dress"
"Unexpected’ guests named at the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton"
“BBC to air Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton”