DriveClub shares a similar streak of intense hype nearing its original release date--which was the launch of the PS4--in the same way that Watch Dogs did, but with the delay and now unsure release date drowning down the excitement, fans are wondering what has happened to one of the anticipated games on Sony's next-gen console.

"We don't really want to release a game before it's ready. And sometimes, this happens in the normal course of business, where we think we're on track to deliver what we think is going to be a great game, and when we get closer, we realize that we'd be doing everyone a disservice if we shipped it before it was ready," said Sony's Scott Rohde in an interview with IGN.

And according to the report, improving DriveClub entailed more than just a few tweaks, as the developers have gone back to the drawing board in the attempt to ensure that Evolution Studio will come out with a great game that's worthy of the PS4 name.

Sadly, even with this bit of clearing up, Rohde is still unable to provide a concrete timeline for the new release date of DriveClub, much less any assurance that the game can come out in 2014. Let's hope that fan anticipation of the game will not complete run out before DriveClub becomes available.

Switch Galaxy Ultra coming to beta for PS4

Switch Galaxy Ultra is another game on the PS4 that has recently been delayed. As such, PS Zone has gotten in touch with Gary Nichols, managing director at Atomicom to talk about the upcoming game that will debut on Sony's next-gen console.

According to Nichols, the delayed was inevitable as they had talked to Sony about the next steps in the game and that part of it includes multiplayer at launch, a feature that the developers didn't originally intend to have.

Aside from this, new cities have been added to the game, as well as the addition of six more episodes to the game comic. Once the game lands on the PS4, the PS Vita screen is available for navigating the game and controlling it, while the PS4 touch pad has a special feature where you can navigate the map with it.

"We're quickly coming up to BETA, most of the content is ready and we're just trying it all up together including the multiplayer," said Nichols to PS Zone.

Despite this, the developers have not given a specific timeline for the release date, with only the aim of a Q2 2014 date pegged until Sony gives the go signal.

Archival disc to allow 1TB of storage by Sony

Sony is pushing forward new technology after another, with the most recent announcement being that of the Archival Disc, its own next-gen optical disc format that may be looking as the next thing for Blu-ray.

According to Videogamer, the project is done with Panasonic, wherein the first batch of discs that will be rolled out as early as next summer will already have 300GB storage capacity.

As the Archival Disc project continues, storage will increase to 500GB and 1TB, in preparation for when 4K movies and large files will become more in demand.

"In recent times, demand for archival capabilities has increased significantly in the film industry, as well as in cloud data centres that handle big data, where advances in network services have caused data volumes to soar," said Sony in a statement quoted by Videogamer.

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