Iranian Faces 10-Year Jail Time for Handing Out Bibles, Deemed a Threat to State Security
The predominantly Islam country of Iran has arrested and convicted one of its nationals for allegedly handing out copies of the Bible to friends and family, according to the Vatican missionary news agency Fides on Wednesday. His behaviour was considered a threat to national security. He was slapped with a 10-year jail time.
Only in China: Men, If You Can’t Aim Your Shoot Well, Better Pee Somewhere Else or Get Fined
Chinese netizens are aghast after the government of Shenzhen, China issued a decree, saying it will charge men who use their public toilets but can't aim their shoot well inside the urinal.
Sears Canada Slashes 245 Jobs Locally, To Outsource to Philippines, India
Local Canadians lose have become gains for the nationals of the Philippines and India who are looking out for jobs. Retailer Sears Canada has announced it will shed some 245 jobs locally, of which some will be outsourced overseas.
Global Warming: Carbon Emissions Sure to Prompt Rise of Sea Levels to Three Feet by 2100
Unless the governments of the world find immediate solutions to curb their respective fossil fuel consumptions and carbon emissions, the global populace might as well retire to an impending plausible scenario of rising sea levels by year 2100 to as much as three feet high.
Philippine Oil Spill: Govt, Private Sector Race to Contain Damage in Cebu Province, Livelihood Greatly Hit (PHOTOS)
Authorities from both government and private sectors from the Philippines have brought forces together as they race to contain the oil spill damage in Cebu which has already greatly affected the sources of livelihood in the province.
Fukushima Plant into a Tourist Spot? A Group Wants to Turn Crippled, Highly Radioactive Plant!
With Japan yet to roll out whatever plans it has to mitigate the damaging effects of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant which has already leaked highly radioactive water to its nearby ocean waters, a group of people has expressed their desire to turn the site into a tourist spot. Seriously. Would you go visit?
China Harvesting Internal Organs of Executed Prisoners Soon to Stop
Effective November, China will cease harvesting the internal organs of its executed prisoners which has supported the requirements of its national organ donation system for years.
Russian Athletes, Kseniya Ryzhova, Tatyana Firova, in the Hot Seat: Was That Kiss Really Just A Kiss?
Temperaments in Russia's LGBT community as well as from those around the world, initially exuberant, have gotten confused after two female Russian athletes denied their kiss meant anything to support the global gay movement and defy their country's stiff rules on gay propaganda.
Canadians Say Distracted Driving Should be Considered Criminal Offense with Stiffer Penalties (VIDEO)
With the string of vehicular accidents in Canada caused by distracted driving, citizens believed it is about time to consider the behaviour liable for a criminal offense charge complete with stiffer penalties.
China Working for Faster, Nationwide Broadband Coverage by 2020
Netizens in China may expect to have faster and a wide-ranging coverage of the country's broadband services by 2020.
Mother Nature’s Wrath: Global Coastal Cities Advised to Brace for More Flooding, Damages Estimated to Hit $1 Trillion Annually By 2050
The global populace, most specially those living along the world's coastal cities, either pack up and relocate to high grounds as early as now or accept their fate as the intensity of floods currently lapping the Earth will get more severe and damaging in the coming years.
China Arrests Policeman for Allegedly Hurling Baby Girl to the Ground, Made a Bet with Friends Infant was Just a Doll
Police authorities in China have detained a fellow police officer following allegations he had hurled a baby girl to the ground to prove to his friends the infant was just a doll.
Egypt Unrest: Failure to Comply to Curfew Time Leads to Arrest of Canadian Filmmaker, ER Doctor
Two Canadians, a filmmaker and an ER doctor, have been arrested in Egypt after failing to comply with the imposed curfew amidst the violence and protests in the country of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.
Canada Rail Disaster: Govt Reverses License Suspension, MM&A Rail Company Operations Extended Till Oct. 1
After filing for bankruptcy early in August, U.S.-based Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway Ltd. (MMA), the rail company implicated in the Lac-Megantic fuel train disaster, has been found capable to settle insurance responsibilities but only in the short term. Thus, the suspension of its license announced on Thursday has been reversed, but only good until Oct 1.
China Epic Fraud: Zoo Dresses Up Dog to Look Like a Lion, Thought Nobody Would Notice
Instead of a magnificent roar akin to Lion King's Mufasa or Simba, tourists got the surprise of their lives when a lion in a zoo in eastern China gave off a bark. And in yet another China epic fraud, where phones, toys and car parts can be faked, people still could believe even zoo animals can be faked.
Fukushima Nuclear Cleanup: Will It Do More Good? Or More Bad?
Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Co), operator of the ill-fated Fukushima nuclear plant that was destroyed in March 2011 by a tsunami that followed a magnitude 9 earthquake, has officially received a full-backing government plan on how to clean-up the crippled plant.
Know Who Earns What in Canada!
People when making career changes in the hopes of increasing their value often just change employers. But for those radical enough, maybe it's not just a change of office address that's needed but an out of the box shift from one type of profession to another.
Train Derailment Disaster: Canadian Pacific Slams Financial Accountability for Cleanup of Lac-Megantic Town
Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. on Thursday slammed an order issued by the government of Canada's Quebec stating it has been included among a list of companies financially accountable for the cleanup of Lac-Megantic town which was severely devastated in a train derailment disaster in July.
China Netizens Scramble to Help Identify of Newborn Dumped, Left to Die in River
Chinese people, used as they maybe to babies abandoned or killed by parents because of their government's constrictive one-child policy, still cries out whenever a helpless child is maltreated severely.
Hospital Mix-up: Nurse Allegedly Gives Newborn Painkillers Meant for Mom
A newborn baby boy in the U.S.' central Pennsylvania is lucky to still be alive today after receiving a dose of painkillers that was meant for his mum who underwent C-section in order to give birth to him.
Dropping Birth Rates, Student Population Forces Russia to Close 700 State Schools
A dwindling population rate has forced the government of Russia to plan to close more than 700 schools this 2013. The low numbers in its young population has corresponded to a low number of school age children.
License to Operate of Rail Firm Involved in Quebec Disaster Gets Suspended, Operations Likely to be Permanently Cancelled in Canada
Canada's transportation regulator on Wednesday announced it has suspended the license to operate of U.S.-based rail company Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway Ltd. (MMA), following the involvement of one its trains in the July Quebec fuel train disaster.
July Disaster That Hit Canada’s Toronto Costliest So Far at $850M – Insurers
Damages from the flooding brought by a severe thunderstorm that struck Canada's Toronto on July 8 have been so far dubbed the costliest for the province's insurers.
China Tourism Drops in Q1 2013 as Tourists Get Turned Off by Air Pollution, H7N9 Flu Virus
Unless China radically implements measures and steps to salvage what remains of its environment, it may have to expect and get used to dwindling tourist numbers.
Cat Lover’s Decomposing Body Eaten by Starving Feline Pets
The remains of a UK woman who has long been dead has been found by police albeit in a very sad state. If only her pet cats can explain to authorities, they would surely say they did what they had done because they needed to survive.
India Reports Successful Test Fire of Locally Built Nuclear-Ready Missile
As tensions between India and Pakistan escalate due to border disputes in Kashmir, India on Tuesday announced it had successfully test fired its locally built nuclear-ready missile.
Canada Opens Door to Russian Gay Asylum Seekers
Members of the LGBT community in Russia who fear for their lives in Vladimir Putin's bailiwick have found a supporter in Canada. The latter's immigration minister hinted of accepting claims for gay asylum seekers from Russia.
Australia Tops List of Nations Where it is Costly to Study, Canada is Cheaper
Students wanting to study overseas, particularly in Australia, either need to have been able to have saved a lot or at least able to maintain two jobs to be able to afford paying for their tuition costs and other expenses. According to a new research HSBC, Australia ranks the list of most expensive countries for oversea students, followed by the United States, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Canada is cheaper.
Apple’s Request to 3D Map Oslo Gets Denied by Norway
Not that it had been categorically denied because its maps had long been inefficient and useless, but Apple's request to 3D map the capitol of Norway's Oslo has been flatly denied by the federal government.
Canadian Woman to Press Charges Against Capital Health after Losing Breast Due to Depressing Hospital Records Mix-up
Canada's Capital District Health Authority in the province of Nova Scotia is about to get enmeshed in a potentially disruptive legal landmark case. A woman from Halifax is about to press charges against the health service provider after losing her breast due to a sickening hospital records mix-up.