Robert Pattinson's career soared to success after he became the ageless vampire Edward Cullen in the movie series "Twilight." However the actor now believes that he has had enough of his vampire days and wants to move ahead in life. In other words, do not expect any more "Twilight" movies as Robert feels he is "too old" for it now.

The 28-year-old actor revealed he has no interest in doing any more "Twilight" movies.

"I couldn't do another 'Twilight' movie. "I'm too old," Pattinson told magazine on Sunday while attending the Cannes Cannes Film Festival. Robert Pattinson is currently promoting his top movies "The Rover" and "Maps to the Stars" at Cannes.

However the actor also revealed that the success of the role of Edward Cullen came as a big surprise to him in 2008. "No one thought it was going to be a big deal," the actor revealed in the magazine interview.

As the age catches up with the actor, he also revealed that he is turning more "shy" and "self conscious" too.

"I'm just trying to not be in stupid gossip magazine, basically, and I think the best way to do it is never be photographed ever," Robert Pattinson said according to NY Post's Page Six, is reporting.

"As I get older, I just get more and more and more self-conscious about getting photographed. I don't know why. I've done it too many times and now I feel like everyone can see through me," the actor added.

The actor might be hinting about the numerous stories that are doing rounds on his on and off relationship with his "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart. The two had been linked together as a romantic couple since 2008 and have a fierce and loyal fan following too who worships them as "Robsten."

However Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's relationship suffered a major setback in 2013 when Kristen Stewart cheated on Rob with Rupert Sanders. Fans have ever since been expecting for "Robsten" reunion but looks like the two have moved on with their lives completely. Now that Robert Pattinson has revealed that he does not want to be a part of "Twilight" series, the chances of him starring opposite Stewart have also been ruled out. Meanwhile, check out Robert Pattinson's super cool pictures from Cannes in the slideshow above.