Specs of the Samsung Galaxy S4 set for release in Australia in the later part of April are becoming clearer. A statement from the South Korean tech giant confirmed that the much-awaited device would not have a quad-core Exynos 5 Octa processor.

But Samsung confirmed that the gadget will have the Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processors. However, the Exynos will be found in international 3G versions of the Galaxy S4.

"Samsung Australia is today confirming that the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be available in Australia with the quad-core 1.9 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Series 600 processor and 4G LTE compatibility.

"Globally, the majority of GS4 LTE versions will come with Qualcomm's Snapdragon while 3G versions will be equipped with Samsung Exynos," CNET Australia quotes Samsung Australia's statement.

The clarification was made because of a previous Samsung announcement at the CES 2013 that the S4 will have a 5 Octa processor.

CNET explained that the Samsung statement implies that the Exynos' power requirements when combined with LET modem place too much pressure on battery life. It is the same reason why quad-core CPU mobile phones that ran on 4G were rare.

More explanation about the Snapdragon processors in this video.