Samsung Galaxy S5 Release Date Update, No February Release, Two Colors and $199 Price
Samsung Galaxy S4 has been in the market for quite some time already. As the New Year is about to come, consumers and analysts alike are expecting Samsung to release another flagship phone. One that has been making headlines is the Samsung Galaxy S5. Samsung's upcoming phone has been generating quite the buzz along with Apple's iPhone 6. Most reports tell people what they should expect. However, it is also important to take note what people should not be looking forward to.
Some analysts think that people should not go too far ahead with thinking February as the S5's release date. Considering the likelihood of a metal design including a range of hints about March or April release, it will be impossible for Samsung to go ahead and release the Galaxy S5 within the first two months of 2014. The Mobile World Congress may be due soon but it will likely be an announcement.
Samsung often releases their devices a month or two following their announcement.
Another thing that people should not be too quick to jump on is the number of variants. Samsung often starts with two classics prior to releasing other color-based versions. Samsung likes to maintain interest over their devices. Analysts think a two-color initial release should do the company good. Giving in to consumer demands later following the release can re-establish or strengthen the value of the handset. As for those expecting some bright-looking Samsung Galaxy S5, it may not happen right away but it is still possible.
Samsung and similar tech companies have been coy about the release dates and specifics of their devices. These companies like the element of surprises. The increasing competition prompts companies to think of ways to heighten the buzz.
U.S. consumers will also have to expect varying prices depending on consumers. Despite the general price during announcements, Samsung's handsets come in varying price tags depending on the network. People should not expect the suggested retail price to start. According to recent reports, the Samsung Galaxy S5 may start at $199.99. Additional charges apply based on networks. It may take a month before carriers in the United States can catch up to the release of Samsung Galaxy S5.