Samsung vs Apple's iPhone 5s in ALS Bucket Challenge: What the Fuss is About

Social media, whether it's Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, has been bombarded with videos of entrepreneurs, businessmen, musicians, politicians, celebrities and regular people doing the ALS bucket challenge. All efforts are done to help the fight against the debilitating ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
Hitting two birds with one stone, Samsung's apt and clever marketing team decided to help fund the ALS cause while making fun of Apple's iPhone 5s at the same time according to Business Insider. Well, it actually hit 3 birds with one stone. Samsung Galaxy S5 did not only nominate and challenge the iPhone 5s, it also challenged two other rivals: the Nokia Lumia 930 and the HTC One (M8). Knowing fully well that all the other three phones are not water resistant, it was actually a brilliant but sly strategy to emphasize the weakness of their competitors.The Samsung Galaxy S5 is the Korean tech giant's flagship phone. They proved that their device is durable and water-resistant.
It seems though that there is a video going around that Apple's iPhone 5s did stand up and take the ice-cold bucket challenge anyway. Of course, in light of the fact that the iPhone 5s is not meant to be water-resistant, the video posted a warning to the public that the iPhone 5s is not IP67 certified. Therefore, it is not waterproof and the process might actually damage the phone.
Samsung's marketing ploy seems brilliant, savvy and funny at the same time. It raised even more awareness about the plight against ALS. It also gave the public something to smile or laugh about. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, Apple had the last laugh. Apparently, iMore actually put the iPhone 5s to the ice bucket test, and it apparently came out alive and kicking. Check out the video here.