Scarlett Johansson best known for her sexy role as the Black Widow in the upcoming movie "The Avengers" is having a fight of her own in real life.

After having her personal privacy invaded by nude photo leaker, Christopher Chaney, Scarlett Johansson speaks up in an interview on CNN with reporter David McKenzie.

"Just because you're an actor and you make films, doesn't mean you're not entitled to your own privacy," says the actress when asked by McKenzie what her thoughts were on protecting her privacy.

Who doesn't want to have privacy? Probably Christopher Chaney who is not only known for his knack at hacking female celebrities private accounts like Johansson's but a whole lot more. Among his victims were actress Mila Kunis, Jessica Alba and Vanessa Ann Hudgens.

His reign of terror not only victimized young and hot actresses but well-known divas as well namely singers Demi Lovato and Christina Aguilera. In his court appearance last November 1 at Los Angeles, he pleaded not guilty to all charges filed against him.

Does this mean he won't plead guilty the next time he hacks another account?

Chaney, a native of Florida, was arrested on October 12 and released the same day when he paid around $10,000 dollars bond at Jacksonville Jail. For 26 counts of identity theft and unauthorized access plus wiretapping, he sure has the balls to plead not guilty.

What does his attorney have to say to all the charges filed against him?

"As with all criminal defendants, Mr. Chaney is entitled to a defense meaning he is entitled to review all charges and allegations against him," says Chaney's attorney, Jamon Hicks.

"While my client is willing to accept responsibility over charges he might have done, he will not plead guilty to false charges." added Hicks.

That being said it leads us back to the sultry, sexy Scarlett Johansson. "Black Widow" is still fighting for her case and continues to fight back against perpetrators of crime and taking back what is left of her personal private life.

"There are certainly instances I think where you give a lot to yourself, finally you just kind of put your foot down and say, No wait, I'm taking it back," says the "The Avengers" actress.

Then again it points out why were there racy, nude photos of the star in her cell? Would it have anything to do with Ryan Reynolds or another guy the red-head has got her eye on?