Selena Gomez is definitely continuing the transition from good girl to bad. From films to music, everything Gomez does screams "grown-up" in a sense. Now, Selena's latest move when it comes to freedom of expression all point out to one bad-ass chick. The 20-year-old had just recently got inked and has already shown it off to the world.

By the looks of it, Selena Gomez is following in the footsteps of boyfriend, Justin Bieber, and BFF, Demi Lovato. Gomez has caught the tattoo bug and followed up her small music note tattoo on her right wrist with yet another ink. If fans may recall, the small note was inked by Louie Gomez which had been mistaken for a heart.

Upon referral by Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez visited the tattoo artist, Bang Bang, at New York. Bang Bang was also the tattoo artist responsible for Hudgens' butterfly neck tattoo. As for Gomez, the singer had the roman numerals, 76 inked. So, where is the new tattoo strategically placed this time around?

Gomez had the numbers tattooed at the back of her neck. According to the tattoo artist, Bang Bang, the tattoo was a tribute to Selena's family member who had meant so much to the singer.

"The tattoo was a tribute to a family member who she said means a lot to her," explained Bang Bang. However, the family member wasn't mentioned to the artist who leaves the identity a big secret even to fans of Selena Gomez.

Contrary to fans' belief, Justin Bieber was absent during the ink session and Selena Gomez had to depend on her best friend for support.

"Selena was nervous it might have been painful, so she held her best friend's hand the whole time. But she did a great job," said the tattoo artist.

With two tattoos done, it'll be only a matter of weeks before Gomez gets another tattoo inked. Who knows? Selena just might get the same number of tattoos Justin Bieber has which at current is eleven tattoos. For now, the change is good for Selena Gomez but here's to hoping that piercings don't come next.