In less than two weeks, the E3 2013 will be revealing all the game titles headed to consoles this year, as well as the definitive features of the two most expected next generation consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

Since February, Sony seemed to be on the lead in terms of its positioning as an all-gaming next generation console, with an added bonus of the sharing and sociability options.

Despite speculations that Microsoft--which has been keeping the next-gen Xbox, then dubbed Xbox 720, close to the vest--will overtake the lead when its May reveal comes to pass, this did not happen, and has put Sony in an even more admirable light.

This time, another report puts Sony on the driver's seat and up and ready to conquer for the E3 2013. Game Informer reports that Sony has already clarified some matters regarding the DRM and online checks, referring back to the word that Sony president Shuhei Yoshida has given way back in February.

"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally," said Yoshida to Game Informer in a previous report. "Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

The only thing that would be a hindrance for the PS4 would be its price, which, according to IGN, has been listed in Amazon UK at $781. However, even if this is just a placeholder amount, the report showcases the Xbox One to be priced at around $912--more than $100 over, despite it being a placeholder price point.

What's more important here is that the Amazon retailers are already accepting preorders for the consoles, though some may be a bit apprehensive given the price revealed on the retailer site. Hopefully, more details will be revealed come the awaited June tradeshow event.

Xbox One: The new dream for advertisers?

Microsoft has been touting its new next generation console Xbox One for being an integrated centerpiece for the living room, offering more than just gaming with entertainment and connectivity features.

This time, it offers more for advertisers, as a new patent application will reported put the Xbox One on the hot seat for potential advertisers who want to tap a bigger audience.

Telegraph reports that the patent may be pointing to a new and unique rewards system that involves watching ads on the Xbox One and being rewarded for them. This feature would make use of the eye tracking power of the Kinect, with the possible addition of heart-rate monitors.

The feature is said to be called "Awards and Achievements Across TV Ecosystem," a sort of give and take relationship between the user and his or her Xbox One. Putting together the mentioned features of the Xbox One would enable the device to examine if the viewers are really watching.

As Mail & Guardian reports, the eye tracker will see if the viewers are in the room or if they have stepped out. Heart rate monitors will be utilized to see if the viewers are really watching the adverts and shows.

"By providing content viewing goals and awarding the viewer for reaching the goals, the present disclosure provides for an interactive television viewing experience," according to the patent application as quoted by Telegraph.

"Additionally, by tying the awards and achievements to particular items of video or advertising content, viewers may be encouraged to increase their viewership of the content, thus increasing advertising opportunities."

Aside from advertisements, TV series shows may also be part of the scheme. Whether this is another way by which Microsoft aims to tap another, entirely different sphere of market or if it's really just a way to give bonus points for consumers who will be buying the Xbox One remains to be seen.

But there may already be a downside to the plan, as most consumers go to digital recordings and videos and opt for ad-less cable subscriptions in order to avoid having their TV show watching disrupted by a TV commercial.