Hollywood best known for the glitz and the glam is also home of the juiciest gossip ever. The latest Hollywood has to offer is not the newest cinema buzz or television series but what goes behind closed doors between celebrity hook-ups and break-ups.

Here's a round-up of the top five Hollywood marriage splits that will leave mouths hanging and jaws dropping. Millions spent and millions gone over classy wedding day jitters. Put in another million for filing tedious divorce papers. Celebrities have definitely mastered the art of letting go and moving on.

In at number one is the star of the hit TV series New Girl. Zooey Deschanel spokesperson confirmed the news of the actresses' split with her beau of 2 years, lead of Death Cab for Cutie Ben Gibbard. The two have been married two years and no updates on the couples' reason to the split have been reported so far.

It won't come as a surprise to hear that Kim Kardashian has decided to end her 72 day marriage to NBA player Kris Humphries. Spending over $10 million over a fantasy wedding may not have been the ideal way to win this Kardashian over.

Coming in at number three of the latest celebrity divorce is James Marsden. Married ten years to Lisa Linde, the wife decided on the divorce claiming irreconcilable differences as the reason to the split. Announced late September of this year, Linde is currently seeking spousal support over their two kids namely Jack aged 10 and James aged 6.

Fans of the 1995 movie Clueless will be surprised to hear of Stacey Dash, best known as her role in the movie as Dionne, divorce to her husband of two years Emmanuel Xuereb. Actress claimed that she was stuck in an abusive marriage.

Fifth on the 2011 celebrity split is Matt Roth with wife of more than six years Laure Metcalf. The couple already separated 2008 but divorce was finally filed on September 12, 2011. The separated couple has three children and the couple is best known for their roles in "Desperate Housewives".

Hollywood may have its share of the glamorous life but when it comes to romance, not everything is as clear and crisp as tinsel town movies and TV series claim it to be.