British actor Sir Patrick Stewart has announced that he wants to be allowed an assisted death when he feels that it is his time to go.

Best known for his role as Jean-Luc Picard in ‘Star Trek’, Stewart told The Sunday Times said The Agence France Presse of his decision to support the call of the group, Dignity in Dying, a group advocating for the ‘right to die’.

Sir Patrick said: "I have the strong feeling that, should the time come for me, having had no role in my birth I would like there to be a choice I might make about how I die."

The English actor shared his family experiences and that of a female friend that have prompted him to support the campaign that everyone must have a choice to have an assisted death and that it ‘should be a right’.

"A lot of it has to do with my age. I had a heart procedure five years ago. I was 70 last year and there is something about achieving threescore years and 10, isn't there?, ” Stewart was quoted as telling The Sunday Times, according to The Agence France Presse.

He added, "Then I had had a family member who had been very ill and quite recently I'd heard the story of an illness and a death."

Stewart, who was diagnosed with coronary heart disease five years ago, also noted without providing details of how his female friend's death was "driven to an extreme situation of ending their life in the most ghastly way".

Stewart joins other celebrities who have already expressed their support for the movement that assisted dean ‘should be a right’.