'Star Wars: Rogue One' adds new character named Edrio Two Tubes; here's everything we know about him and his eggmate, Benthic
"Star Wars: Rogue One" will be released in December 2016

Lucasfilm, which was recently acquired by Disney, has been expanding its universe with the addition of characters that fans have loved. The audience is excited to meet the new faces in the upcoming projects of the classic franchise.
“Edrio Two Tubes,” a mercenary pilot, was introduced at San Diego Comic-Con as a life sized statue, as reported by IGN.
Slash Film reveals an up close look at the new character which is described as a mercenary pilot who flies along his eggmate, Benthic. The two awesome new characters got their names from the apparatus thath allows them to breath. They were forced out of their home planet of Yar Togna by the Empire and desire to take revenge.
The gallery in the report shows a humanlike figure which appears to be wearing a breathing apparatus with two narrow and long tubes that hang on the front of his body, thus, the nickname. There also appears to be a computer board or some buttons on his chest, quite similar to Darth Vader’s mechanisms. He also appears to wear a thick and wrinkly leather jacket, gloves that resemble battle armor and a thick belt. He holds what appears to be a rifle with inscriptions at the bottom part.
Further details report that Edrio Two Tubes is of the Tognath Race and what appears like buttons on his chest are actually a Tie Fighter Pilot Box. His weapon is not a traditional blaster but a Tusken Raiden Rifle. It also looks like Two Tubes has been around for quite some time and that his getup has been gathered by him from fallen adversaries.
It is also confirmed that Two Tubes is an ally of the Rebel Alliance but is directly under Saw Guerrera who is the leader of the Rebellion’s most radical cell.
Rogue one already appears very diverse with the introduction of a lot of new characters, therefore it is not very unlikely that Edrio Two Tubes will be very visible in the upcoming film, maybe perhaps being seen with Saw Guererra in some of the scenes.
However, the addition of this new character excites a lot of fans as they keep guessing his significance in the franchise. Everyone right now is wondering what his personality, skills, and weaknesses will be like and how significant he will be in a lot of projects which would include comics, cartoons, and many more.
“Star Wars: Rogue One” premieres on December 16, 2016.