Apple co-founder and innovator, Steve Jobs, died of respiratory arrest caused by pancreatic cancer, according to the official death certificate.

Jobs passed away last Wednesday in Palo Alto, California at the age of 56. The Santa Clara Country Public Health Department released the death certificate on Monday according to a Reuters report. The death certificate states his time of death at about 3 p.m. and lists "respiratory arrest" as the immediate cause of death with his underlying condition "metastatic pancreas neuroendocrine tumor" that caused the respiratory problem.

Jobs had been battling a rare form pancreatic cancer for the past five years. He had liver transplant in 2009. The "high-tech entrepreneur" had resigned from Apple in August after taking sick leave in early January 2011. Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple in 1976 in his parents' garage. After Jobs returned to the company in 1997, Apple started rolling out the devices that would make it the most lucrative tech company in the world.

Jobs family released a statement that they were with him when the Apple visionary died. No post-mortem examination was performed on Jobs. He was buried in Alta Mesa Memorial Park, on Friday, October 7, in a small, private funeral.

Apple Inc. is planning an event to commemorate Jobs next week. Tim Cook, who replaced Steve Jobs as Apple's CEO sent a memo to staff about the scheduled event to be held in Apple's Cupertino campus. The event will allow Apple employees the chance to remember Job's achievements and his contributions to the tech industry.