Despite knowing that he was dying, the genius that is Steve Jobs ensures Apple's future by working hard and spearheading plans for new products. He worked on these plans which he so greatly believes that would safeguard the company and its employees.

Being the great visionary that he is, it was found out that Jobs fought hard to get approved for plans of a spaceship-style company that will be based in the headquarters in California.

The said building would be big enough to accommodate 12,000 employees set in a park-like theme which will be closely located near Cupertino. Last June, he made an appearance at the town council meeting for planning to push through.

Within his last year with Apple, he has been overseeing the development of the iCloud project. This will be able to allow Apple users to store their documents, music, and photos remotely. He also worked as the mastermind behind updated versions of iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Macbooks. All these efforts are to make sure at least four years of the company are untroubled.

Meanwhile, a staggering 44,000 percent of increase in pre-order sales of Steve Jobs authorized biography. The book will be filled with over 40 interviews of Jobs within two years, including interviews of more than a hundred family members, friends, colleagues, and adversaries. The book will be out on Oct. 24.