
Super Storm Haiyan (Yolanda) continues to batter central Philippines and has made at least six landfalls in different parts of the country. Unofficial count indicated that at least four people had died, although non-government organisations helping in rescue operations predicted the number of fatalities would still go up.

They pointed to the lack of data coming in from rural areas due to power outages as the 235 kph winds felled electric poles in different provinces.

As of midday of Friday, the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council had accounted for three deaths - two were electrocuted and one struck by lightning.

The fourth possible fatality is a woman in Cebu province who was hit by a falling coconut tree. But authorities are not sure if she is dead by now or just injured since they lost contact with the remote town where the accident happened.

Only seven people have been recorded to be injured, but the numbers would surely rise when power is restored in the provinces and reports trickle in on the extent of the damage caused by the mega storm which is the equivalent of a Category 5 Hurricane, and the strongest to hit the world in 2013.

YouTube/Jadra Capella

As of now, the only means to confirm that a lot of damage to property and agricultural crops had been wreaked by Yolanda, the 24th storm to batter the Philippines this year, are reports from the TV stations and videos posted by citizens in YouTube, featuring the howling wind, large ocean waves, flying rooftops, flooded roads and fallen trees.

Here is the view in Legaspi, Albay


And in an unidentified shore town.

YouTube/ram attoio