Rocksteady's "Batman: Arkham Knight," the finale in the Arkham series franchise, is potentially one of the biggest games coming out for next-gen consoles. And it's shaping up to be the Batman game that everyone has been waiting for—more so than the latest installment, "Batman: Arkham Origins."

More details have surfaced, thanks to OXM's experience of the demo that was made available, as reported in the WB Games forum, starting with the setting. Gotham City looks like a real one, a proper Gotham, so to speak, and one which is said to be undoubtedly bigger than what Arkham City was.

Combat-wise, it seems that Rocksteady is putting its signature moves and feel to the scenes without having to seem repetitive. In fact, there are minute details in the fights, detailed in the way gamers can deal more damage with unique moves, if they're capable enough.

Two characters, Barbara Gordon and The Arkham Knight, were put into focus. In dialogues, it seems that Barbara and Batman referred to The Killing Joke, a graphic novel depicting one of the origin stories of The Joker, which may be an interesting addition to the story. And The Arkham Knight appears to be wearing a similar Batman cowl, only more robotic in nature, and instead of a bat, he has an A on his armour.

And of course, what could be seen as the main star of the show is the Batmobile. The design has hints of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Batmobile and the classic Batmobile models. It's a powerful piece of equipment, and one that is a weapon in itself, as it reportedly can smash through walls of any material.

One unique thing that Rocksteady is going for seems to be an awareness for the gamer. Instead of a mini world map while in the Batmobile, players have to be aware of what's happening outside to operate.

'Infinite Crisis' Gets Another Character

Now that the MOBA game "Infinite Crisis" has been enjoying its open beta for almost 2 weeks already, another character will be introduced into the game.

VG 24/7 has spotted the announcement, where Nightmare Superman will be a villain who is the result of a battle with another villain Aethyr. He had been through and back the Phantom Zone portals that appeared in Metropolis and taken captive the citizens to become phantoms for the Zone.

Despite saving Earth, Superman had to return to a dead Metropolis, with citizens now phantoms whose tortured minds, in turn, tortured Superman to become the king in the city of phantoms.

Nighmare Superman's passive is possession, wherein he will possess the enemy that defeats him and reduce their Power Armor and Attack Armor. An even bigger danger is that, if the Possessed Champion is defeated, Nightmare Superman is revived with a percentage of the Defeated Champion's Max Health.

According to the report, Nightmare Superman will be making his debut on April 9.

This comes after the previous announcement of the King of Crisis where the winning team of the previous week will get to defend the title of Crisis King. For those who are interested, this tournament allows four challenger teams to try and battle it out on specific schedules for an elimination, which will culminate in the winning challenger team facing off with the previous week's winning team.

"The King of the Crisis bounty will increase by 50$ for each week they've successfully defended their title, starting at $50 the week after their first victory. Whoever can topple the Crisis Kings will earn that week's $200 plus the accrued bounty from the defenders!," said developer Turbine at the official Infinite Crisis web site.

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