"Supernatural" Season 9 is back along with a familiar face in Episode 18 titled "Meta Fiction." Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) executes his tricky plan of controlling what Castiel (Misha Collins), Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) will do including his right-hand man Gadreel (Tahmoh Penikett) while typing away his story as God.

Spoiler alert: This feature contains major spoilers on "Supernatural" Season 9, Episode 18 titled "Meta Fiction." The Winchesters will have a hard time stopping Metatron and his plans if he is the one writing the story.

Castiel (Misha Collins) is conducting his own investigation on the murdered angels. The angel managed to gather information from a surviving angel named Hannah about Gadreel offering the chance of joining Metatron to return to Heaven. However, the angels who refused were killed.

At the hotel room, Castiel noticed strange events happening like lights flickering and the television turning itself on. Who is responsible? It is none other than the deceased angel Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr) known for being a "Trickster."

Gabriel admitted to Castiel that he faked his death and he needs help. The Trickster wants Castiel to work with him in uniting the fallen angels and put an end to Metatron's plan. Castiel agrees but noticed that everything happening was just an illusion from Metatron.

The Winchester brothers managed to get reports of the similar murder scenes from Castiel's captured image then tried to track down Gadreel in Utah. Sam and Dean succeeded in capturing Gadreel and wanted to get answers from the fallen angel who betrayed Dean and possessed Sam.

The "Mark of Cain" on Dean's arm is still troubling him so it became easy for Dean to physically torture Gadreel. Metatron appeared before Sam in Castiel's room to offer a trade. "You have something of mine and I have something of yours," Metatron stated.

Metatron was able to get Gadreel back and Castiel got reunited with the Winchester brothers. Castiel immediately noticed that there was something different about Dean and the angel got really upset when he saw the "Mark of Cain" on Dean's arm. Dean insisted that he needs the "Mark of Cain" in order to kill Abaddon (Alaina Huffman), a Knight of Hell.

Gadreel informed Metatron, who was busy typing away, that the door to Heaven is out of harm's way. Metatron admitted that what matters in his story will be the characters portraying their part as it reaches his planned ending. The episode ends with Metatron typing the words "To be continued..." on his story.

"Supernatural" Season 9 will return with Episode 19 titled "Alex Annie Alexis Ann" on Tuesday night, April 22, at 9 pm ET on the CW Network.

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