Tech giant and i-gadgets company Apple handed out 9000 refurbished iPads to Teach for America corps in 38 states.

Teach for America is a non-profit organization that conducts a public service program which aims to render high quality education to impoverished children. Every year, the organization sends graduates from top schools to teach in low-income communities in United States.

When iPad 2 was launched, Apple customers who wish to upgrade their units were encouraged to donate their first generation iPad to the program.

Apple collected more than enough to hand out an iPad 1 to every member of Teach for America.

In an email notice from Apple, the company posed this statement: "What could an iPad do for your classroom and your students? Well, we're asking you to help us answer this question."

Although this move shows corporate responsibility and charitable initiatives of Apple, this is clouded with political motives as Steve Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell, sits on the board of the organization.