The year 2014 is filled with expectations for gamers of both the current- and next-gen consoles. Now that the clamor for the PS4 and Xbox One are simmering down just a bit---though the demand may still need a bit of follow-up---most eyes are already turned to the games that are coming out within the new year.


Of the anticipated PS4 titles coming out, it seems that "Destiny" remains to be one of the more preferred games in the 2014 line-up. In fact, Fergal Gara, PS UK managing director, has recently hyped up "Destiny" even more alongside another game.

"Two titles which will define what next generation gaming will look in its mature phase will be Watch Dogs and Destiny. These are two games we have aligned with closely and will have substantial exclusive PlayStation 4 content," said Mr Gara in an interview quoted by PlayStation Lifestyle.

For now, "Destiny" is slated for a 2014 release date, with the beta coming first to PlayStation platforms before others, according to GameSpot.

*Check out the DLC news and updates for both "Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind" and "J-Stars Victory Vs." Read the details here.


"Titanfall," which is coming out only for the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC, is also one of the most awaited games, especially with all the new announced additions.

There has been talk about the new "Titan" classes coming to the game, Ogre and Stryder, which provides either better armoured or faster-than-your-average titans in the game. Eurogamer adds that, even though the game is an Xbox exclusive, there is no Kinect integration in any of the versions.

'Uncharted 4'

Undoubtedly one of the PS4's much-awaited exclusives includes "Uncharted 4", a game which was left off the games list and was announced only on the eve of the PS4's launch.

While previous reports, such as Now Gamer, has announced that 2014 will usher in news of "Uncharted 4" from Naughty Dog, it seems that this may actually be put on a bit of hold.

A recent rumour reported by Just Push Start points out the missing "Uncharted 4" in the PlayStation Blog's list of most anticipated games in 2014. While it has infamous "Second Son," "DriveClub" and "Metal Gear Solid 5 Grounds Zeroes," among others, the absence of "Uncharted 4" in the official list may have some fans wondering about its future in the coming year.

There is still a bit of hope for eager gamers, as Now Gamer's interview with Naughty Dog has stated, "As for our Uncharted team, they're really busy too.... Once 2014 hits, we'll start frequently rolling out fresh news and information about all our upcoming projects."

*Those who have been enjoying the Xbox Fitness might not wait for too long, given the possible 2015 subscription coming up. Read here for more.

'Monster Hunter Frontier GG'

Aside from the expected games on the PS4 and Xbox One, there is also one coming from Capcom, which is "Monster Hunter 4." After the "Monster Hunter Frontier," which was released in Japan, and one that also has a planned update coming in by 2014, a new title, dubbed "Monster Hunter Frontier GG" will be coming by spring 2014.

GamingBolt reports that this new title, the supposed enhanced version of "Monster Hunter Frontier G" (available for PS3, Wii U and PS Vita this year). Hopefully, this will set a different tone from "Monster Hunter Frontier."

*Is PS4 really the better next-gen console seller than the Xbox One? Read the full story here.

'The Elder Scrolls Online'

"The Elder Scrolls Online" is one of those risk-laden games that may either make or break the title.

As part of one of Bethesda's most popular franchises, "The Elder Scrolls" is also the first to breakout and join the multiplayer bandwagon. Bethesda's Pete Hines told OXM that the game will follow a subscription model to avoid gating some of the better content like world areas, factions, weapons and outfits.

Similarly, the DLCs that are scheduled for "The Elder Scrolls" are not going to scrimp on content, as it will be adding story elements along with weapon types. Already, the first of the 10 slated updates have been mapped out by the developer and packaged into what appears to be a story package per piece.