Triple H
Professional wrestler Triple H, one of the stars of World Wrestling Entertainment, speaks at ceremonies honoring Vince McMahon, chairman of WWE, with a Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California March 14, 2008. REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES

World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE, Executive Vice-President Triple H picked WWE great Hulk Hogan as the most deserving former wrestler to be named next into the International Sports Hall of Fame. Triple H’s opinion comes at the heels of his selection into the prestigious 2015 Hall of Fame list which includes other talented sports personalities such as boxer Evander Holyfield, bodybuilder Lenda Murray, Olympian Mark Henry, weightlifter Ed Cohan and WWE legend Bruno Sammartino.

The 13-time World Heavyweight champion was on hand for an interview with men’s magazine "Men’s Fitness" to discuss various topics surrounding the WWE, the qualities that make a great wrestler, the “fake attribute” of the sport, and his personal journey toward achieving superstardom in the outfit. He also was posed the question on who he would choose next to be named in the International Hall of Fame and he was quick to pick original baby-face Hulk Hogan as the next one most likely achieve the rare the feat.

“Maybe Hogan. There’s a whole generation of guys my age who said their prayers and took their vitamins and that’s where they heard it first. He was an amazing athlete who transcended. One of the most recognizable people on the planet,” Triple H recently told Men’s Fitness.

Triple H also dished on the story that Hogan was the one who introduced fitness and nutrition into the daily lives of wrestling talents going back to the 1980s. He added that the same line of thinking is shared by co-Hall of Famer Arnold Schwarzenegger who imparted with him the notion that fitness should be a part of his lifestyle. He pointed out that working out is not primarily to only look good but to stay healthy and that it translates to a lengthy and successful career in the WWE. He made an example of young superstar Seth Rollins, who embodies this principle and is able to do amazing things inside the ring with his athleticism and physical build.

The 45-year-old executive who is also known as Paul Levesque will be accepting his achievement from the International Hall of Fame on Mar. 7 at Columbus, Ohio. He is currently working with the creative team of the WWE to bring the biggest pay-per-view event of the year Wrestlemania 31 and he is also scheduled to tangle with former WCW talent Sting in this year’s extravaganza.

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