If the Oscar Awards 2012 takes notice of the best actors, actresses and films, there's The Razzies that announce the worst. Unluckily, "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" receives eight nominations, including Worst Picture. Though it isn't quite as unlucky as compared to Adam Sandler who receives the worst blow, he gets 11 nominations including worse actor and actress.

Apparently, not everyone is a Twi-hard and sparkly vampires aren't a fan favorite as Hollywood claims it to be. In the sarcasm filled awards that celebrates the worst in the movies, The Razzies, "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" receives the worst blow. "Breaking Dawn" is up for eight nominations of which include Worst Screenplay, Worst Picture, Worst Remake, Worst Rip-Off or Sequel, Worst Prequel, Worst Screen Ensemble and Worst Director.

The film isn't the only thing that has been nominated for the worst but the actors included as well. Kristen Stewart gets nominated for Worst Actress while the hunky, Taylor Lautner receives the blow for his nomination as Worst Actor. The "Robsten" fans would be in frenzy over the nomination as well. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's onscreen couple, Edward and Isabella, gets nominated for Worst Onscreen Couple.

Despite the whopping eight nominations, it is nothing compared to the 11 nominations comedian Adam Sandler received. Adam Sandler in a surprising turn of events not only gets nominated for Worst Actor in the film "Jack and Jill" but he also gets nominated for Worst Actress. Robert and Kristen are also up against Adam and Jennifer Aniston in the category for Worst Onscreen Couple in the film, "Just Go With It."

That is not even the last of it, Adam Sandler gets nominated for Worst Picture and Worst Prequel, Remake or Rip-off in the film "Bucky Larson." The producer and writer has also been nominated for Worst Screenplay and Worst Ensemble.

Eleven nominations is indeed quite a lot which says a lot of things about what people have to say about films. Founder of The Razzies, John Wilson, shares his say on Adam Sandler's unlucky nominations.

"It's almost karmic for someone to have made that much razz-able stuff in one year," said John Wilson. "He has angered someone really powerful, I would say."

If Adam is in the lead for eleven nominations, "Transformers" comes in at second place with nine nominations while "Breaking Dawn" follows with eight. The winners of the dubious awards will be announced on April Fool's which is of course the best day to make a fool out of anybody.