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Music video platform Vevo has redesigned its app for iOS and Android and provided a new logo to make it more appealing and more useful for consumers.

Engadget reports that the revamp now allows for a portrait-oriented video player for smartphones. It also now has a public user profile that allows people to follow for recommendations.

The Spotlight feed, which uses Vevo’s data to show more relevant video, is also now made smarter and more visually engaging. The feed allows a user to see playlists and other users that they might be interested in checking out.

This is not a new feature, as Vevo already had it for a few months. The update just made it smarter.

"We want to take your likes and the related artists of the artist that you've liked, we want to take your watch history into consideration and we want to take acoustic similarity into consideration," says Miguel Alvarado, the company's VP of data and analytics.

The update will feature a Spotlight feed that now shows human-powered music-curation trend called “Vevo Curators.” The company targets music bloggers, radio DJs and performers to build profiles to be featured in the feed.

Alvarado explained that the users watch history allows them to match a curator playlist based on what the users watched before. With the revamp, Vevo hopes to hone the edge of its original content.

Vevo CEO Erik Huggers told CNET that the revamp is “a big bet. There is a real opportunity beyond...just dropping a song or video in a playlist.”

The revamp is Vevo’s latest attempt to establish its own identity. The company is known mostly for its little logo found in the corner of YouTube most popular videos.

Vevo is aiming to become the go-to-place when it comes to music videos. It’s easier said than done, though, as competition from Apple Music and Spotify makes it harder to attract the attention of music lovers.

Vevo hopes that the redesign of its logo and the update of its feature puts it on the right track.