Virgin Atlantic Crew in Heathrow Airport Pilot Tests Google Glass
Virgin Atlantic will pilot test in spring the use of Google Glass by its Heathrow Airport check-in staff handling Upper Class passengers. The scheme is seen as a marketing strategy to raise brand awareness of Google's most visible and known wearable technology.
Before the Google Glass moves into mainstream use, which has potential of being game changers for certain professions such as surgeon or teachers who would need information literally at the blink of an eye while in the middle of a chore, experts said there is a need first to address privacy and ethical implications for such technology.
The Google Glass was the subject of an event at the INSPIRE Centre on Monday night wherein the wearables' educational and social implications were examined.
"It's a watershed event, we've got about 121 people coming from a broad range of areas, educators, doctors," said INSPIRE Director and Associate Dean of Innovation at the University of Canberra Professor Robert Fitzgerald prior to the event.
He added emergency medics from Calvary are attending, and the centre is interested in working with them about how the Google Glass is used in the emergency room.
Fitzgerald described the attendees as workers in high-stress environment where access to high-quality information is critical.
Google Glass was rolled out in 2013, but not all feedback are positive. Wearers have been called "Glassholes."
But other wearables such as the smartwatch, biometric monitoring devices and wearable cameras have not caught on and are considered classic cases of enterprises that try to create a market where there is none.
Carolina Milanesi, chief of research at Kantar Worldpanel, pointed out that wearables began as a need for the vendors, not consumers, in the hope that people would buy some of these new devices as the smartphone becomes a gadget which practically anyone has and has ceased being an exciting item to own.