With the HP TouchPad selling for only $99 this weekend, enterprising modders are looking to import Google's Android OS to replace the TouchPad's less than stellar webOS. HacknMod is holding a contest that offers $1,500 for any techie who can get Android on the HP tablet.

The basic prices are $450 for an Android Port. Anyone who can get WiFi on the tablet will get $350 while any individual or group who gets a functioning audio and camera Android port for the tablet will get $300. Lastly, Multitouch will net you $100 while individual contributions will get another $45. Developers will need to post the source code and post links to pictures and videos on the site. The first person or group who can complete the tasks will get the prize. All code developed for the contest must be licensed under open source.

HP may have abandoned the TouchPad, but it may have done the tablet a service. The fire sale has sold out tablets in most retailers and now users are bidding more than $300 for the discounted tablets on eBay. The fact that HP will no longer be creating any more TouchPads may have also added a collector's item aura to the device.

There may not be life in the webOS anymore, but efforts by individual developers to get another OS to the TouchPad could breathe life into the hardware in the future.