Whatsapp Voice Calling Service To Be Available For Windows Users

Whatsapp will now allow Windows 8 users to experience its calling feature, which till date was only available for Android and iOS users, according to reports.
The announcement of Whatapp calling feature few months ago created a lot of excitement among users but the provision was not available for Windows 8 users. It is expected that Whatsapp will introduce this call feature for Windows so that Windows Phone 8 users can make calls via Whatsapp, reports Solar HBJ.
Getting Whatsapp Voice Calling Beta On Windows Phone
Windows Phone users should first become members of the Whatsapp beta testing program and after joing the program, it will be possible to download and install the latest WhatsApp 2.12.40 beta for Windows Phone that has got the voice calling feature, reports Ordoh.
The interface largely remains unchanged and the users can now avail more options of calling, chatting and can see a list of contacts in the app from the homepage of the app. Besides this update, Whatapp users on Windows Phone will be able to get their hands on a better performing app that is free of errors and bugs. Even the Whatsapp Web works better with this new version and users no more have to use only Chrome to access this web client as it is now possible to use Opera and Firefox, as well, reported Ordoh.
Are The Competitors Taking Note Of This Development?
Now that Whatsapp calling feature will be available in the Windows 8 platform, users might snub Viber and Skype as Whatsapp gives them the provision to make calls, reports Solar HBJ. VoIP apps must ensure the delivery of a better and richer calling experience to make sure that their users do not switch to another app and the huge user base of Whatsapp could act as a bigger advantage for the platform, reports Solar HBJ.
According to the Ordoh report, it is expected that Whatsapp could start working on a video calling feature that will allow Windows users enjoy one-on-one chats, however, the specific date of rollout of the voice calling feature on Windows phone is yet to be known.
(For feedback/comments, mail the writer at pragyan.ibtimes@gmail.com)