WiFi Kills Plants? Recent Study Explains Why
A recent experiment conducted by a group of school girls in Denmark claims to discover how WiFi signals can potentially affect anyone's health; that it can even kill plants.
Daily Mail UK reports that a group of 15 year olds conducted a test to check if signals from a mobile phone can damage health. The test which involved growing cress on a paper plate led to a result that can potentially affect millions of individuals around the globe.
Lea Nielsen, one of the pupils involved said that they once thought it affects their ability to focus in school work each time they slept with their mobile phones close to them. But since they are unable to monitor their brain activities, they chose to monitor plants instead placed near wireless routers.
Growing Trays Of Cress Close To WiFi Routers
The experiment started off with the girls placing their garden cress plants near the routers. They divided 12 trays of cress into two, with six placed inside the WiFi room and the other half without any WiFi equipment around. In a span of 12 days, those that were in the WiFi room all withered and died while those in the other room all survived. It led for them to arrive to the assumption that any seedling or plant positioned close to WiFi routers can wither and die.
Several other critics' gave the explanation that it could have been due to the intense heat that was emitted by the WiFi devices that led to the death of plants. Hence, the results of the group's experiment can help support the findings of Holland researchers in the past who discovered before that trees exposed to wireless signals can suffer with adverse effects like damaged parts and drying up of leaves.
So can it also harm individuals?
According to the biology teacher of the pupils, Kim Horsevad, the experiment of the students can spark a good amount of points to debate on in Denmark with the possible adverse effects that the WiFi equipment can do to anyone's health. "The results do, however, demonstrate a great deal of internal inconsistency," Mr Horsevad added.
Another article from Courier Mail further explained that a person will have to stay for about an entire year in a hotspot to be exposed to a similar kind of radio wave emitted from a mobile phone during a 20-minute call.
According to the Epoch Times, it was in 2009 when AUVA, an Austrian Health insurance company released a study that relates to how WiFi can cause negative health effects like cancer, decreased fertility rate, and even disturbed sleep. However, for as long as the exposure to WiFi can be put to control and stay limited, then it won't cause any potential harm to anyone.
There has been no proven damage to any human individuals brought about by WiFi router signals so far.
So for now, majority of the world's population who are well exposed to using WiFi are safe.
(Video Credit: YouTube/HealthRanger7)