The Xbox One exclusive "Kinect Sports Rivals" has just celebrated its release date recently, and it seems that Microsoft is very enthusiastic about the game.

Over at the Xbox Newswire, the staff has even enumerated the ways by which gamers can enjoy the new game via their Xbox One. There's the ability to create a customisable Champion in their likeness via digital scanning and rebuilding of their own face.

Gamers can also enjoy sabotaging other gamers' experience in "Kinect Sports Rivals"—that is, players can actually meddle with their game so they can stay ahead. There are also power-ups per sport, which players can earn for better abilities and establish themselves to be the "Kinect Sports Rivals" Champion. There's also a "Kinect Sports Rivals" Hub where players can keep track of where they are in the road to becoming the said Champion.

Sadly, not everyone sees the Xbox One's Kinect as the necessary tool to make Microsoft's next-gen console an even better experience. One of these people is Peter Molyneux.

Why the Kinect May Not Be Everyone's Favourite

In an interview with Forbes, he states that he can't find the use for the Kinect and could do away with it.

"It feels like an unnecessary add-on to me... My son and I sit there saying random things at it, and it doesn't work," he said in the interview. "They could cost-reduce it [by removing Kinect]. I'm sure they're going to release an Xbox One without Kinect. It would be unthinkable that they wouldn't," he added.

This has been the talk as far back as the unveiling of the Xbox One, especially since the price difference of $100 against the PS4 was still being highlighted back then. Of course, there have been price cuts with retailers and some territories, but the majority of the Xbox One's markets may still feel the burden of the "added expense."

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But at Microsoft headquarters, the report also states that Phil Spencer, new head of Xbox, claims that the idea of dropping Kinect is not urgent, since most Xbox fans are not clamoring for it. This may be related to how the shift in management has also put into focus games as the priority for the console.

Perhaps what this just goes to show is that the issue with the Kinect and the Xbox One will continue so long as the price difference is felt. Unless the Xbox One does a mandatory price cut, there will be people commenting on the Kinect being more of an accessory than a necessity.

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