Xbox One
Xbox One is shown on display during a press event unveiling Microsoft's new Xbox in Redmond, Washington May 21, 2013. Reuters/Nick Adams

Gamers will be in for a huge treat this Christmas season. Microsoft is crafting a lineup of exclusive games, features and deals that will make the "Xbox One the most attractive console to buy".

Harvey Eagle, the boss of Microsoft's UK marketing, is "very confident" the Xbox One will dominate the market in terms of console sales in "the next few weeks". Apparently, the Redmond-based tech behemoth's gaming department is "focused" on taking its products to the next level, especially now that the gaming market continues to "grow".

"It is a highly seasonal business -- it has always been", Eagle said, according to MCV. "A lot of the sales happen in this period. We have been very focused on building the right plan to get us through this period".

The announcement came after Microsoft released "Halo 5: Guardians" a month ago and its recent launch of "Rise of the Tomb Raider", which happen to be two of its games that scored 9 out of 10. Plus, it’s worth noting these top games are only currently available for the Xbox console, as Video Gamer pointed out.

Moreover, Microsoft very recently launched the New Xbox One Experience, which is a major system upgrade that brings forth backwards compatibility, as well as an all improved dashboard.

Backwards compatibility will prove to be a "popular" feature for gamers interested in upgrading their Xbox 360 experience. It increases the value of the console, which is necessary to keep gamers from considering transitioning to other, newer gaming consoles.

Microsoft has gained a huge advantage over Sony with backwards compatibility, especially since the latter confirmed the absence of this feature on the PS4. Although Microsoft is expected to experience a huge sales boost for the Xbox One this Christmas season, gamers are advised not to expect the company to announce any actual numbers.

"The most important measure of success is engagement and usage", Eagle added. "That is why we have really made this change in how we report our success".

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