As though hype for the next-gen console wars is not enough between the PS4 and the Xbox One, both camps have started rolling out new ads and campaigns to highlight their consoles.

On the side of Microsoft, there is the realistic chilling ad titled "Immersive Gaming." As the title already suggests, the ad shows off a man who examines his wounds and starts to blur reality with the fantasy of gaming, since he can't tell which is real and which is in-game.

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It seems that Microsoft is really pushing for realistic gaming with the Xbox One, as its earlier ad, "Invitation," had also featured immersive gaming, this time with regular gamers being called out to the field, the arena or into a robot.

(Credit: YouTube/xbox)

"Get lost in a new generation of games. If it were any more real, it would be real. The all-in-one, Xbox One."

This comes after Sony's Be Moved campaign, which goes to show a number of interviews with Sony engineers who have helped in the development of the PS4.

(Credit: YouTube/Sony)

"An artist can challenge an engineer with the impossible. An engineer can make the impossible possible. We measure our success with the flutter of a heart or a bead of cold sweat. After all, it's not about what we make; it's about what we make you feel."

On the other hand, it seems that Sony is going for emotions and what gaming makes players feel this time in the next-gen. Have you been feeling the same after effects of gaming on the Xbox One? Or are you more emotionally in line with the PS4's campaign?

*New info and specs have popped up for the Samsung Galaxy S5. Which of these are you looking forward to? Read the full list here.

Launch Sales for the PS4 and Xbox One: Who Wins?

Keeping a close watch on the next-gen console wars, the numbers of sale for the Xbox One and PS4 have been traced and announced by both companies to keep fans updated. So far, the PS4 seems to be winning the numbers game at 4.2 million as of its latest announcement, while the Xbox One remains to be at the 3 million mark, which is impressive as it is.

The lead that the PS4 holds over the Xbox One may actually boil down to price, at least this is what Edge-Online has found in terms of the UK territory.

*Here's a breeding guide for those who want to attain the Pokemon of their choice in "Pokemon X and Y": Read here for more.

"I think this reflects that the UK consumer is very price sensitive at the moment and perhaps also that there was no Halo game at launch which helped establish the brand so strongly in the UK," said Piers Harding-Rolls of IHS Technology.

In the end, the seemingly small issue of price difference, as well as other well-known factors, such as the PS4's friendliness toward gamers and proliferation of sought-after indie games, may be one key reason why the PS4 is currently much more popular.

Another reason may also be that the transition from the PS3 to the PS4 may have been more established and more driving for households. Though the main difference that have been found between the two consoles is the power of the PS4 over the Xbox One, the emerging services for the PS4, such as PlayStation Now (which lets gamers play PS3 games as the nearest backwards compatibility solution for the next-gen), the gimmick of Remote Play with the PS Vita and even the improved services that Sony aims to deliver to gamers may have been factors that compelled fans to go with the move to next-gen.

Still, the console war is far from over, as the lifespans of both the Xbox One and PS4 are just beginning. The next phase will be for content offers and game releases, which could make or break the loyalty for either of the next-gen consoles.

Another Talk About 'Fallout 4,' Now for Next-gen?

After the very elaborate fan-made hoax of "Fallout 4," which featured full Web sites, teasers, countdowns and a lot of speculations from fans, there has been a lull with the rumours of the seemingly never-coming game.

But now, there is another possibility for the appearance of "Fallout 4," which is related to the new title that Obsidian Entertainment is set to show off at the GDC 2014. iGameResponsibly has found a job listing for a UI artist, who may be part of an upcoming next-gen game.

Speculations have also been fueled by the job vacancy's need for someone who has a thorough understanding of typography, which is said to be crucial in "Fallout." There was also a mention of Scaleform, which has been used in other post-apocalyptic games. Given that the touted next-gen game will be making use of this new technology, it can mean that this new tech will find its way onto the next "Fallout" title.

All of these are mostly speculations, particularly the potential direction that the project will go. It's still highly possible that Obsidian Entertainment is developing a new title altogether. Best to wait out for GDC 2014, but at least the hope for "Fallout 4" remains alive for diehard fans.