YouTube co-founders Steve Chen and Chad Hurley have another project in the works, a new revamped version of the social bookmarking site Delicious.

The two men responsible for YouTube are now trying to bring the same magic to a Yahoo reject. The duo bought Delicious in April after Yahoo put it up for sale. The social bookmarking service had been popular with tech-savvy bloggers and netizens but failed to catch on with a broader audience.

"What we plan to do," Hurley said in an interview with New York Times last week, "is try to introduce Delicious to the rest of the world."

Delicious was created in 2003 and let users save their favorite links and bookmarks around the Web and organize them in a simple tagging system with choice keywords. Yahoo bought it in 2005 but has since done nothing with the service.

The new Delicious will still look like the old site but with more features. Chen and Hurley's new design will overhaul the old design and software and system of Delicious. According to the two, the new site will be more of a social hub where users can see the most recent links bookmarked by their friends. The homepage will have collections of related images, videos and links and will have personalized recommendations for users.

"We want to simplify things visually, mainstream the product and make it easier for people to understand what they're doing," Hurley said.

"You're Googling around and have eight to 10 browser tabs of results, links to forums and message boards, all related to your search," Chen said. The new Delicious, he said, provides "a very easy way to save those links in a collection that someone else can browse."

The duo had decided to buy Delicious because it was easier to have a brand than build one up.

"We know how hard it would be to build a brand," Hurley said. "Delicious lets us hit the ground running with its existing footprint."

It's also a challenge for them to try to revive one of the pioneering services of the social web.

Chen said the team also "liked the idea of saving one of the original Web 2.0 companies that started the social sharing movement on the Web." He added: "There was some sense of history. We were genuinely sad that it would be shut down."

Delicious is being rebuilt by the team led by Chen and Hurley in San Mateo, Calif., and is slated to be relaunched later this year.